Of Counsel
The firm with its main office in Rome deals mainly with corporate and bankruptcy law and related issues ranging from tax law to corporate criminal law, as well as, I would add, inevitably, negotiation approaches including extraordinary capital transactions in the most various forms that they can take. A fundamental and, as such, indispensable feature is that the Firm intends to maintain and persevere a conduct, strongly desired by the undersigned, of marked ethics and transparency, in a word of seriousness in the different approaches with Clients and Public Institutions. This is an indispensable constant, to be continually valorised especially in a moment, unfortunately like this, characterized by a strong deviation from the main lines that any activity, even the most humble, must pursue in everyday life.
Furthermore, continuous scientific research constitutes another pillar that characterizes the activity of the firm, especially in the current historical moment in which perhaps, unnoticed by most, we are dealing with a truly Copernican revolution where the civil categories that have accompanied us from our studies University students can now consider themselves obsolete, absorbed by what has recently been defined as “circular law”, a mirror of the circular economy and a reflection of ongoing globalization.
It was necessary.