Of Counsel
Lawyer Angelo Ippoliti graduated in law from the University of Roma “La Sapienza”.
He obtained, as a scholarship holder, a specialization master’s degree in civil liability at the Ipsoa training school.
He is registered in the Bar Association of Roma and in the special register of lawyers admitted to practice before the Higher Courts.
He has always mainly dealt with civil law and civil procedural law. For example, he has deepened, both in judicial and extrajudicial contexts, issues related to contractual liability, civil liability pursuant to articles 2043 and following of the Civil Code, inheritance law, company law, condominium law, family law, protection of credit rights, protection of property rights, protection of real rights on another’s property (right of superficies, emphyteusis, usufruct, use, habitation, easements, pledge, mortgage), protection of possession, protection of the right to personal data protection.