Roma – Budapest
Luigi Piccarozzi, Founder & Ceo of Studio Legale e Tributario Piccarozzi & Partners with offices in Rome and Budapest (Hungary), lawyer advocate in the Supreme Court of Cassation and before the higher Courts (Constitutional Court, Council of State, European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), EU Court of Justice), freelance journalist, Editor and Director of the newspaper “Momento – Sera”, information daily founded in 1946 (www.momentosera.it).
Professional activity carried out mainly in tax law, civil, corporate and real estate law, with particular reference to litigation, collection and deflattive procedures, criminal/tax law, indirect taxation and direct taxation in national and international profiles as well as local taxation, corporate taxation, taxation of non-commercial and non-profit entities, double taxation disputes, banking taxation, financial, EU and regional funds.
He is also an expert in defamation by the press and social networks, civil, commercial and civil procedural law, in particular contract law, inheritance law, real rights, damages in general, condominium law, civil and commercial leases, debt collection, movable and real estate enforcement procedures.
Elected board member of the CAT – Chamber of Tax Lawyers of Rome (member of UNCAT, Unione Nazionale Camere Avvocati Tributaristi), member of the Tax Law Commission of the Rome Bar Association, member of the Rome Chamber of Tax Lawyers, member of the Royal Rights and Succession Commission of the Rome Bar Association, member of the Local Authorities, Public Administration, Cultural Heritage, Landscape, Tourism, EU and regional funds Commission of the Rome Bar Association, formerly
Elected board member of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Hungary (CCIU), based in Budapest, under the coordination and supervision of the Italian Embassy in Budapest and ICE, Foreign Trade Institute, formerly Correspondent from the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg. Legal advisor to Members of Parliament of the Italian Republic, for whom he has proposed and drafted amendments and bills on tax matters.
Speaker at numerous conferences and seminars promoted by the Council of the Bar of Rome, the Order of Chartered Accountants of Rome, Confindustria and other organisations.