Of Counsel
Serena Degli Albizi, born in Florence, graduated brilliantly at the University of Pisa in 1997, registered with the Rome Bar Association since 2001, I have carried out for a long period of professional practice, several activities at renowned law firms specialized in the field of civil law, international commercial law and family law (business contracts, debt collection, compensation for damages, real estates sales, family law), until I decided to continue on my own, focusing on family law and particularly on the protection of people and minors, judicial and extrajudicial acts, including in ADR procedures.
Always attentive to professional development, also through participation in courses promoted by different associations specialized in the subject, such as the AIAF of which I am a member (Italian association family lawyers) and organized by the Rome Bar Association.
I carry out my activity with great attention to the relantionship with the client, in full compliance with the duties of loyalty, diligence, privacy, transparency, aware of the social and constitutional importance of the right to defence.
Through my social pages, I carry out information activities and legal detailed study in family matters for more than three years.