Maria Rosaria Russo is a member of the Order of Labour Consultants (CdL) of Livorno and has been practising as a labour consultant since 1989. She is also a Founding Associate Professional of Studio Comparini & Russo since 1990.
Formerly an Expert and Technical Consultant of the Court of Livorno, she is registered in the Register of Credit Mediators and in the List of Arbitrators and Conciliators c/o the CCIAA of Livorno. Since 2005 she has taken on roles and assignments within the institutional bodies of the professional category at a local level and is currently a Member of the Board of Directors of the ANCL of Livorno.
Over time she has developed particular professional skills providing consultancy, auditing and assistance for the following sectors:
- personnel administration with processing and book-keeping for wages and salaries;
- management and care of labour relations;
- assistance and consultancy on labour contracts;
- planning and analysis of labour costs;
- assistance and consultancy for contribution and salary facilitations, in relations with agencies, institutes, bodies and trade union organisations and audits and inspections by control bodies;
- labour relations conciliations (representing both employers and workers);
- audits and due diligence in labour matters.
For over 25 years, consulting and assistance in labour matters for franchisees and franchisors have been professional specialisations. Lecturer and speaker in training courses for technical subjects relevant to the profession. Partner/Administrator of Professional Group SRL (1998), for which she directly manages the “Authorised Office 730 – Caf Cgn” Division and of Comparini & Russo SRL (2004). Promoter and Founder of IREF Italia (April 2012), she was its Secretary/Treasurer until July 2018.