Of Counsel
Bari, Brindisi
Civil lawyer, family and juvenile law specialist, Curator of minors at the Court for Minors in Lecce and Bari, teacher and trainer in labour law and health law for preparation and training in courses for Social Welfare Operators.
Holder of law firms in the Apulian territory (Bari- Brindisi) registered with the Family Commission established by the Bar Council of Bari, for several years member of the Italian Marriage Association at the headquarters in Lecce and part of the Organizing Committee and Scientific.
I started prestigious collaborations with several law firms using collaborators and authoritative prepared colleagues both on local territory as national in every sphere and civil, matrimonial, right labor, banking and corporate sector.
I have a Master in Banking and Financial Litigation – Altalex Corso Formazione 2015 a Master of I° Level in: The teaching of legal-economic subjects in Secondary Schools of II Degree: Didactic methodologies” obtained at the Faculty e-Campus University on 09-07-2020 with vote 110/110 a Master’s Degree in Law and Health Legislation year 2021, a Certificate of Training as Curator of Minors.